
Changelog 2024-06-22

This Changelog shows all changes on Endyr. Entries are sorted by date within their categories, latest on top. This list is derived from the dev-notes and meant for reference only – entries may or may not be cryptic.

Spoiler warning: This is a complete list of new and even hidden new game content!


New actors

  • shards (multiple)


New items

  • safaribook
  • scroll_quiver
  • necronomicon
  • lexicon


New objects

  • phone



  • Blade weapons sharpening
  • Use items in containers when crafting (ie. water in bucket)
  • Rotated objects now get focussed correctly
  • Polaroid camera for in-game screenshots

New actors

  • bast_professor

New items

  • grindslate
  • cooking_pot
  • frying_pan
  • camera
  • photo
  • photo_paper



  • Entities flash up when hit
  • Greatly improved fog and rain effects
  • Implemented falling leaves, dust particles and rain drops
  • Added new music and sound effects
  • Music is now treated like looped sound effects
  • Fixed a bug when aiming bows
  • Added battle arena at the bastion
  • Market booth for player sales
  • Foreign merchant that refills NPC wallets
  • Digging areas (for clay)
  • Players now leave their lootable dead body when defeated

New items

  • clock
  • slave_collar
  • stone_slab
  • clay
  • clay_tool
  • clay_block
  • roof_tile
  • urn
  • clay_pot



  • Self-Illumination (glowing colors, eg. for cave mushrooms)
  • Optimized lighting engine for 1:1 lighting resolution

New objects

  • counter
  • cashier



  • Implemented HTML5 AudioContext for smooth playback (effects may follow)
  • Added 3 custom designs for the market booth (for warrior, crafter and alchemist)
  • Improved transition effects when going up/downstairs
  • Vignette effect for subtle darker corners
  • Gossip class implemented for spreading rumors
  • Created interior levels for bastion buildings (blacksmith, tailor, hunter, bakery, barracks)
  • Doors with simple animation
  • Color reduction and "Gameboy" filter
  • Camera zoom-in for special attacks
  • Dialogue text sound effects
  • Audio mixer settings
  • Background music (some)
  • Ambient sounds (some)
  • Sound effects supporting random source, volume and pitch variation

New actors

  • bast_deliandra

New objects

  • dice_table
  • door

New items

  • dice
  • d* (4, 6, 8, 10, 100, 12, 20)
  • fruit_juice
  • berry_juice
  • magic_lamp
  • shield
  • shield_large



  • Spawners can now be temporarily disabled by players
  • Editor undo function (affects ground, overlay, collision, z-map)
  • Weather effect: fog
  • Combined weather effects
  • Stitching labels on bags (aka. renaming; affects the context menu title)

New actors

  • az_bat
  • az_cat
  • az_dog
  • bast_aaron
  • bast_farmer
  • baby
  • young_girl
  • teen_girl
  • bone_pile

New objects

  • market_stand
  • spawner
  • cryopod
  • statue_alchemist
  • statue_artist
  • statue_craftsman
  • statue_fighter
  • statue_protector
  • statue_shepard

New items

  • market_stand
  • admin_broadsword
  • admin_longsword
  • baton
  • battle_hammer
  • war_hammer



  • Support for animation sprite offsets
  • Support for custom fonts in dialogues
  • Advanced text renderer for dialogues and replies (allows text formatting)
  • Scrollbar to handle numerous dialogue replies
  • Level area affects (eg. rain areas)
  • Explanations in sales menu
  • Area weather effects (heat, freeze, rain, snow)
  • Ground particles on fast movement

New actors

  • luminosphere
  • tree_* (soft, hard, flex, dark, green)
  • trunk_* (soft, hard, flex, dark, green)
  • stump_* (soft, hard, flex, dark, green)
  • zombie
  • mummy
  • cow
  • sheep
  • sheep_buck
  • lamb
  • grindelbarth
  • foxgloves
  • duck
  • drake
  • calf
  • squirrel
  • pig
  • pigs
  • goat
  • goat_kid
  • fox
  • cactus (growing in 10 variants)

New objects

  • luminos
  • tree_saw
  • monolith
  • obelisk
  • glyphplate
  • statue_flour
  • statue_hammer
  • statue_sword

New items

  • dax
  • roasted_mushrooms
  • tree_saw
  • herding_staff
  • book_hearts (for Dantinus ;-)
  • sunglasses
  • stone_token
  • foxgloves
  • lure
  • lure_big
  • cactus_flower
  • fish_blue



  • Individual interface für grindstones
  • New crafting interface for tailoring
  • Aura renderer for higher planes
  • Fixed bugs in scatter lighting
  • Vendor overhaul / now allows re-buying items at 60% of their value
  • Tools get damaged on usage
  • Storing list of successfully used recipes
  • Melody composer interface
  • Fixed timers staying active after removal
  • Pixel effects and wiggling
  • Sword slashes and arrow lines
  • Smoothed out area effects
  • Item materials renderer

New items

  • knitting_needles
  • brick
  • flint
  • cheese
  • milk
  • garlic
  • boletus
  • eggsponge
  • mushroom
  • morel
  • amanita
  • blungi
  • scissors
  • citron
  • flax
  • seed_flax
  • wool
  • thread
  • thread_roll
  • cloth
  • cloth_roll
  • yarn
  • synthesizer
  • piano
  • harp
  • marimba
  • drums
  • slingshot
  • pebbles
  • dynamite
  • dynamite_pack
  • banjo
  • centurion
  • guard
  • jester
  • knight
  • roman
  • templar
  • viking
  • trumpet
  • dye_* (r,g,b,c,m,y,k,w)
  • blade_broad_* (all metals)
  • blade_short_* (all metals)
  • blade_long_* (all metals)
  • steel_ingot
  • copper_ingot
  • bronze_ingot
  • latinum_ingot
  • tin_ore
  • tin_ingot
  • vyran_ore
  • vyran_ingot
  • jade_ingot
  • ruby_ingot
  • forge_hammer_small
  • softwood
  • hardwood
  • flexwood
  • darkwood
  • greenwood

New actors

  • acre_flax
  • dynamite
  • dynamite_pack
  • mushrooms
  • rock_ore_tin
  • rock_ore_copper
  • rock_ore_iron
  • rock_ore_silver
  • rock_ore_vyran

New objects

  • campfire
  • loom
  • spinning_wheel
  • grindstone
  • piano
  • harp
  • marimba
  • cello
  • mannequin



  • Lucius offering gambling (rock-paper-scissors)
  • Dog roaming the Bastion and retrieving items
  • Fixed bugs in mouse controls and added "running" for touch-users

New items

  • broccoli
  • capsicum
  • celery
  • celeriac
  • corncob
  • carrot
  • cauliflower
  • cucumber
  • potato
  • pumpkin
  • pumpkin_face
  • radish
  • sugarbeet
  • sugar
  • tomato
  • magnifier
  • leather_bag



  • Simplified damage model (removed body parts)
  • Running (3 times walking speed)
  • Stamina drain and exhaustion from running
  • Health lowers view distance in darkness
  • Visual feedback when no action is possible
  • Visual feedback when starting running
  • Room decoration (place wall and floor tiles)
  • Server-side auto-tiles

New items

  • wild_seed
  • magnet
  • cutlass
  • seed_sugarbeet
  • seed_cauliflower
  • seed_carrot
  • seed_radish
  • seed_eggplant
  • seed_onion
  • seed_cucumber
  • seed_corn
  • seed_salad
  • seed_pumpkin
  • seed_celery
  • seed_broccoli
  • seed_tomato
  • seed_capsicum
  • seed_wheat
  • seed_potato

New actors

  • apple
  • apple_tree
  • bast_lighter
  • bamboo
  • cat
  • dog
  • horse_tame
  • minecart
  • wild_plants
  • acre_sugarbeet
  • acre_cauliflower
  • acre_carrot
  • acre_radish
  • acre_eggplant
  • acre_onion
  • acre_cucumber
  • acre_corn
  • acre_salad
  • acre_pumpkin
  • acre_celery
  • acre_broccoli
  • acre_tomato
  • acre_capsicum
  • acre_wheat
  • acre_potato

New objects

  • scatter_bow
  • banner
  • scarecrow_large
  • cheeky_chest


Game updates

  • New collision modes to represent ground (stone, mud, sand, etc.)
  • Improved lighting (darkened walls and light scattering)
  • Introducing Lux as the game's currency
  • Selling items to NPCs
  • Armor wearable over clothing
  • Castle changed to Bastion and added guards
  • Displaying bubbles when target is already in use
  • Added NPCs and quests to the Bastion
  • Smooth level changes by sliding-out

New items

  • bamboo
  • bamboo_fresh
  • fur
  • lux
  • boots_clean
  • boots_dirty
  • brush
  • scarecrow
  • trashbag

New actors

  • minecart
  • bamboo
  • raccoon
  • fishing_bait
  • cotcover
  • bastion guards (bast_guard1 - bast_guard8)
  • bast_* (commander, hunter, smith, knight, guard, brawler, audience, armand)
  • bast_fam_* (clark, doris, linea, gorgoff, etc.)

New objects

  • tanner_frame
  • scarecrow


Game updates

  • Simple hit/crafting animations
  • In-game chat
  • Crafting recipes database
  • Rusting blades
  • Rechargeable weapons (crossbow)
  • Working beds
  • Item context menus
  • Object action points
  • Blockable spaces in containers
  • Interior decoration / user tile placement
  • House building
  • Placeable level instances ("realms")
  • Buildings export to placeable objects
  • Highlighting matching slots while dragging items
  • Changeable clothing

New items

  • cooked_fish
  • cooked_fish_small
  • cooked_fish_ball
  • raw_fish
  • raw_fish_small
  • fish (fish_apricot, fish_beach, fish_dragon, etc.)
  • fishing_net
  • fishing_rod
  • herring
  • worms
  • thread
  • tall_bag
  • small_box
  • small_bag
  • coffer
  • salpeter
  • admin_minibag
  • juicer
  • leather_strip
  • leather_lace
  • lockpick
  • silver_coin
  • copper_coin
  • copper_ingot
  • copper_ore
  • pipe
  • raw_glass
  • sand
  • chisel
  • straw
  • nails
  • salt
  • tiles (wood, stone, wall, etc.)
  • honey
  • honey_pot
  • iron_helmet
  • admin_hat
  • admin_dress
  • clothing (dress1, dress2, etc.)
  • platinum_coin
  • gold_coin
  • iron_coin

New actors

  • bedcover (>bed)
  • bees (prodecural)

New objects

  • fruit_press
  • salt_pile
  • bed
  • drawing_table
  • oven
  • commode
  • beehive
  • bed
  • closet
  • furnace
  • plant_pot
  • small_bed
  • wooden_rack

2014-01-17 - Alpha 2

  • Added dev page for reference.

Game updates

  • Char creation screen overhaul
  • Stack splitter (amount selector)
  • Events after throwing items (eg. Molotow cocktails)
  • Crafting fluids directly into containers
  • Fluids (powder, liquid, gas) and bottles
  • Timed effect ("buffs")
  • Crafting-windo now displaying the required resources and production time
  • Rubberbanding prevention
  • Camera paths (showing places)
  • Item drag&drop overhaul (swap items, drag on bags, drag from slot to slot, etc.)
  • Menu / bags scaling for future use
  • Allowed shadow casting even if lighting is disabled
  • Jump marks for repeatable discussion branches
  • Disabled (greyes-out) discussion replies
  • Facesets for dialogues
  • Behaviour stack to simplify NPC scripting (eg. charged attacks)
  • Enemy sense (eyes, ears, nose, skin, etc.) and respective player properties
  • Optimized proximity detecion for NPCs
  • Added system menu for custom objects (hold mouse button to open)
  • Crafting menu now appears in "metal" design when using objects (like anvil)

New items

  • sachet
  • molotow
  • waterbucket
  • large_bottle
  • bottle
  • fluids (water, oil, petrol)
  • broom
  • stone_block
  • rabite_tail
  • rabite_fur
  • map
  • Numerous kits (kit_barrel, kit_lamp, kit_oven, etc.)

New actors

  • small_statue
  • stone_rock
  • windmill_blades (rotating)
  • 20 NPCs in Torial (intro village)
  • slimer
  • shy_flower
  • shy_light
  • petunica

New objects

  • wood_oven


Game updates

  • Swap hand items and swap main hand for ambidextrous chars
  • Harvesting plants for seeds or fruits
  • New planting interface
  • Targeting system for context-sensitive tabs
  • Exchangeable menu tabs (context-sensitive)
  • Separated jumping and movement
  • Item repair and recycling (eg. melt swords to get some iron)
  • Implemented planes and rotation for deco sprites
  • Weapon attack areas now take collision radius into account
  • Auto-stacking on creating/collecting/etc. items
  • Distanz-Check überarbeitet (grosse Objekte sind jetzt von allen Seiten benutzbar)
  • Updated distance check (large objects are now accessible from all sides)
  • Dynamical interactions for script objects
  • Non-blocking actions (start menu / look)
  • Cursor highlighting priorities (attackable > useable > collectable > other)
  • Tool slot is now the same as the main hand
  • Individual char screen effects (drunk, blind, etc.)
  • Polygon ways and areas for helpers
  • Named helpers for script interactions (eg. npc patrols)
  • Improved path finding (more direct paths)
  • New damage type "electro" or "lightning"
  • Enemies can now jump
  • Now supporting multiple actor animations as well as frame flipping
  • Switched to requestAnimationFrame() for optimized performance and CPU usage
  • Numerous engine optimizations
  • Multiple timers for actors
  • Multiple classes for actors
  • Cleaned and made consistent the whole debug output
  • Talking to moving actors (pause/resume path)
  • Floating actors

New items

  • wood_bar
  • tongue
  • claw

New actors

  • scaffold_## (div.)
  • blob
  • boo
  • rabite
  • murray

New objects

  • test_chest
  • test_button

Image updates

  • eye

Editor updates

  • Line/Rect/Fillrect for collision painting
  • Editor char selection
  • Filtering for helpers and objects
  • Actor editor / filtering for easy access
  • Item editor / filtering for easy access


  • Fixed distance measuring and calculations
  • Fixed highlights for underground (Z below 0) sprites
  • The delete key now works properly
  • Timers fixed


Game updates

  • Multi-language NPC discussions
  • Effects ("stunts") layer for earthquakes, lightnings, etc.
  • Timer for items
  • Multi-language support for IG menus
  • Optimized partial map updates (freeze/apply)
  • Camera-shaking (for earthquakes and explosions)
  • Script-based level modifications (dynamic mine level)
  • Collision mode 16 (ghosts only)
  • Martial arts (rudimentary)
  • Stacks change graphics depending on their size
  • Building kits for user objects
  • Ghost plane alpha (instead of transparent actor images)

New items

  • gold_nugget
  • gold_ore
  • bigbomb
  • handbombs
  • torch
  • bone_meal
  • wool
  • building kits (kit_*)

New actors

  • rock_ore_iron
  • rock_ore_gold
  • bigbomb
  • bomb

New objects

  • well

Image updates

  • slate_rock
  • tendon
  • rags

Editor updates

  • GM tab (spawners)
  • Showing tileset names
  • Plane selection for objects, actors, items, objects, sprites (via tilesets; not yet used)
  • Collision mode: ladder

2013-04-02 - Alpha 1

Game updates

  • Ring menus (server-side scripted)
  • Buffer effects (flip / drunk / underwater / motion blur)
  • Planes for chars, actors, objects, items (normal / ghost / editor)
  • New graphics system supporting color filters (invert / greyscale / sepia / r/g/b / etc.)
  • New timer system for less server load
  • Wooden signs and books (open in seperate windows)
  • Scrolls (use charcoal to write)
  • Interface system for internal windows
  • Running (testing)
  • Weather effect: rain
  • Bolder border for main hand
  • Multiple interactions for items (eg. rapier: slash / pierce / cut )
  • Multiple interactions for actors (eg. tree: cut for wood / use to get a branch)
  • Damage interface now scales with the resolution
  • Using items now causes a small delay on the other hand, too
  • Splitting stacks by right-click or double-click
  • Auto-stacking on collect items
  • Equpping two-handed items changes the main hand for ambidex
  • Mass-crafting

New items

  • ghost_cloak
  • debug_rod
  • admin_bag
  • grass
  • bone
  • eye
  • sawings
  • imp_hammer
  • imp_axe
  • imp_pickaxe
  • imp_knife
  • charcoal, charcoal_red
  • chalk
  • scroll / scroll_full
  • knife
  • gold
  • rivets
  • wood_board
  • platin_armor
  • platin_helmet
  • platin_mail
  • leather_armor
  • studded_armor
  • barbute
  • plate_armor
  • breast_plate
  • chain_mail
  • chain_helmet
  • heavy_armor
  • silver
  • platinum
  • small_battleaxe
  • battle_axt
  • slate

New actors

  • straw_doll
  • santa_gnome
  • santa_dog
  • santa_deer

New objects

  • ghost_candle
  • slate_rock

Image updates

  • sulfur
  • stone
  • stick
  • wood
  • iron
  • silver
  • gold
  • hammer
  • forge_hammer
  • saw
  • broad_sword
  • long_sword
  • staff
  • short_bow
  • long_bow

Editor updates

  • Toggle actor shadows
  • Spawn item count
  • Set char src / lh / speed / plane
  • Items spawn in char inventory instead of level


  • Stacking when crafting fixed
  • Filled area below the menu with wood

2012-12-21 - Pre-alpha

  • Initial release
Categories: dev