Flora 2016-07-14
A selection of the plant world in Ancyria. Some types can also be found on the Ark in Rubinea.

The Cactusnut is a stout thorn plant with several large nuts at its end which are filled with a salty liquid.

The Eggflower is a white reed plant with fist-sized, ovoid buds. It grows at wet areas with average temperature and can large up to 3 meters. Once a year the buds open for one week, during this time its inner discolour yellowish and spread a sweet fragrance. The yellow secretion is regarded by the people as a delicacy and is toxic to the Nazra.

Elventuft is grown on sprawling fields similar to corn. During spring it's blossoms are bright, they become simply green after the heyday and begin to darken during the summer. It's interesting to know that the whole plant can be eaten and every part contains different properties.
The thick roots are very starchy and full of valuable ingredients, which you wouldn't expect at this soft plant. It's said that the stalk contains many vitamins. The blossom and it's fruits like yarn not only are popular as sweets for kids. They include lots of blossom nectar, therefore the actual "tufts" are very sticky.

Flaresparkcane (also known as Flaresparklecane) is a rare swamp plant from the Snoringswap area. They can already be recognized on middle distance by its yellow shining "Glowberries", which are still emiting a weak light up to 48 hours after the harvest.
Glowberries can be squished to a shining mash, which is comparable to color. You can apply it almost everywhere, during the years its absorbing daylight which will be returned over the night. Also the canes itselfs can be processed, out of which the "Sparkpowder" arises. This easily ignites and with this it crumbles in a rain out of sparks (without burning).

Fluffberry is the name of a sweet, very soft berry which grows in big shrubberies. They are often used as an ingredient for cakes and other desserts.

The Glittersponge (actually Skyglittersponge) is a rare mushroom from the genus of the blue sponges. He only grows in dark place near water, often in small caves and inaccessible for humans. On its cap a white, coarse-grained powder resides, which is gluey and shows similar properties as tinder. The mushroom itself can also be grinded and is especially suitable for stun grenades and fireworks.

They appear at night at the cemeteries. Near the graves you hear them scratch – quietly and steadily. Carefully you narrow your eyes and suddenly you are frightened. Thin fingers are scratching at the grave lids and are twitching sometimes. Anxious and restless you're looking for your floral guide and there it is:
The Gravescratcher is a tuberous mushroom which reminiscent of gnarled fingers. He flourishs in wet places near stones and minerals, often in cemeteries and bogs. Characteristically is its peculiarity to generate tension over hours and to unload it at irregular distances with a strongly twitch. Thereby the mushroom repulses vermin and frightens walker at night which are standing in front of a field with twitching fingers.
Out of dried, milled and pickled Gravescratcher in acetic for some days, fast and reliable sleeping pills can be made. Unbelievable but already a few of this pills could put an elephant to sleep. It can also be used as an odorless gas. For this the viscous liquid has steadily to be heated for some minutes.

Lamtendril describes a tendrils plant, which gladly climbs up trees, walls and rock faces. Its powerful roots absorb different minerals from the environment, which then will be stored in the bark of the slender trunk. Because of this property the Lamtendrils often be taken by lightnings, in which the respective trunk bursts and the therein contained seeds be scattered like a lambent rain out of light over dozen, sometimes even hundred meters. If this doesn't happen, someday the trunk will die and the seeds gradually will be scattered by the wind.
Although the Lamtendril are beautiful to look at, an useful recycling method doesn't exist. In legends is merely mentioned a Lamtendril of pure gold, which should have proliferated near a vein of gold. With a little luck maybe a new mine can be discovered, though conventional methods work faster and more reliably.

Nakos are pointed downwards, reddish fruits with about 4 cm in diameter. They grow on large shrubs up to 200 cm and are fairly easy to care for. Nazra especially like to use them for their fruit cocktails (usually in combination with oranges) while they are rather disgusting for humans because of their large quantity of salt.
Recipe suggestion: For a typical Nakossay you need 2 ripe Nakos, sugar and salt.

The Plastertendril is a high-growing bine on walls and trees. It reacts with quick reflexes when it gets touched and forms a sprout within seconds. If somebody holds his finger against it, immediately a new sprout will be formed which wraps 4-5 times around it. Indeed the bine is also used as a bandaird replacement by allowing it to grow around a piece of cloth after touching. As soon as one separates the sprout from the plant it withers within one to two hours and loses its energy.

Salka are blue berries, which dissolve in water to a viscous mush. Its taste remind a mix of exotic sweet fruits. Often Sal'ka will be served in a cocktail glass covered with salt.

With its fast growth up to 20 meters, the sarunt-tree forms an ovoid crown where the sarunt-fruits (also known as Blue Grenades) thrive. The leaves shine green and lie alternately, similar to the Talesch in the east, as long as there're sufficient nutrients and warmth. Whether feathered or toothed, depends on the water conditions. The light blue inflorescences are able to pollinate themselves in case of lack of insect flight, though the kernels in the pulp remain numb. All year round flowers and fruits are hanging around the tree, as long as enough warmth is offered.
A characteristic of the solid fruit skin is its blue color which is responsible for its folk name. Whether the fruit turns mild or honey-sweet is dependent on the hours of sunshine it gets. In the case of pressure points, the otherwise salmon-colored flesh turns into a dark red.
Consumption of immature fruits is not recommended, since even the smallest amount can lead to severe poisoning symptoms. The poisonousness of the fruits decreases gradually with increasing blue coloring, whereby the bitter taste changes from sour to sweet with maturity. If the ripeness is exceeded, the pulp begins to darken from outside to inside up to violet.
Usage: In addition to conventional methods of consumption the Sarunt can also be used to baking and cooking. Beside that the vitamin-rich fruit pulp can be pressed into an excellent juice or fermented to Met with adequate treatment. The latter is also called Ink-met because of its dark blue color. When properly handled, a painkiller can be obtained from the poison of the immature fruits. However, the preparation of this should only be carried out by experts or physicians, since overdosing is easily possible.

Satenas are small berries whose shape is comparable to the appearance of strawberries. They become about thumb-sized and only grow in sunny places. During the ripening process they change their color from dark green up to a rich yellow and their taste from very acrid till salty when mature. Fresh Satenas are often used in many fruit juices of the Nazra - exceptionally unsalted.

The Shameblossom is a slow growing climbing plant which preferably grows in well-tempered wetlands. It's evergreen and forms buds that bloom in autumn. A special attribute are its V-shaped pattern which will be formed while climbing up trees and walls.

The Theodrande is a pink climbing plant which especially thrives in warm areas. It forms sheer transparent veils, in which little insects prefer to nest. Scattered trumpet shaped blossoms will be formed with gradients from white (inside) to red (outside). The blossoms spread a sweet fragrance and are well suited for the preparation of perfume.



Wild Elventuft
The thick roots are very starchy and full of valuable ingredients, which you wouldn't expect at this soft plant. It's said that the stalk contains many vitamins. The blossom and it's fruits like yarn not only are popular as sweets for kids. They include lots of blossom nectar, therefore the actual "tufts" are very sticky.

Glowberries can be squished to a shining mash, which is comparable to color. You can apply it almost everywhere, during the years its absorbing daylight which will be returned over the night. Also the canes itselfs can be processed, out of which the "Sparkpowder" arises. This easily ignites and with this it crumbles in a rain out of sparks (without burning).



The Gravescratcher is a tuberous mushroom which reminiscent of gnarled fingers. He flourishs in wet places near stones and minerals, often in cemeteries and bogs. Characteristically is its peculiarity to generate tension over hours and to unload it at irregular distances with a strongly twitch. Thereby the mushroom repulses vermin and frightens walker at night which are standing in front of a field with twitching fingers.
Out of dried, milled and pickled Gravescratcher in acetic for some days, fast and reliable sleeping pills can be made. Unbelievable but already a few of this pills could put an elephant to sleep. It can also be used as an odorless gas. For this the viscous liquid has steadily to be heated for some minutes.

Although the Lamtendril are beautiful to look at, an useful recycling method doesn't exist. In legends is merely mentioned a Lamtendril of pure gold, which should have proliferated near a vein of gold. With a little luck maybe a new mine can be discovered, though conventional methods work faster and more reliably.

Recipe suggestion: For a typical Nakossay you need 2 ripe Nakos, sugar and salt.
- squeeze the fresh Nakos and let them cool down for about 10 minutes using ice cubes
- prepare a glass of water with 1 teaspoon of sucar and 2 teaspoons of salt until everything is drained
- cook the Nakos-juice for a short time, then immediately mix with the water
- add ice cubes and a slice of lemon by request – enjoy your meal!



A characteristic of the solid fruit skin is its blue color which is responsible for its folk name. Whether the fruit turns mild or honey-sweet is dependent on the hours of sunshine it gets. In the case of pressure points, the otherwise salmon-colored flesh turns into a dark red.
Consumption of immature fruits is not recommended, since even the smallest amount can lead to severe poisoning symptoms. The poisonousness of the fruits decreases gradually with increasing blue coloring, whereby the bitter taste changes from sour to sweet with maturity. If the ripeness is exceeded, the pulp begins to darken from outside to inside up to violet.
Usage: In addition to conventional methods of consumption the Sarunt can also be used to baking and cooking. Beside that the vitamin-rich fruit pulp can be pressed into an excellent juice or fermented to Met with adequate treatment. The latter is also called Ink-met because of its dark blue color. When properly handled, a painkiller can be obtained from the poison of the immature fruits. However, the preparation of this should only be carried out by experts or physicians, since overdosing is easily possible.


"She had been so ashamed of her nakedness that she turned into a stone and never wanted to move again. Only a small plant felt compassion and began to cover her body stone with its green tendrils. Just in time for autumn it completed its work and as its buds were opening, countless blossoms covered the shame of the girl. At that moment she awoke from her frozen state and realized how stupid she had behaved for her beauty was remarkable. The plant, however, perceived that it would lose its statue and therefore embraced her so tight that she would never move again. Ever since then, it has covered the girl and her shame every year in autumn - thus fulfilling its task."
– Legend of the Nazra (loosely translated)
