definitions 2019-12-16
This page is not meant for users. Warnings- If a script instance is removed within nested calls, like this.disappear(), the parent script will still continue and probably set timers, which could lead to unexpected results. Therefore setTimer() will fail for moveable instances (actors, objects, helpers) that are not inside a level.
Balloons0 | = | ( ) | 1 | = | ( ! ) | 2 | = | ( ? ) | 3 | = | *drop* | 4 | = | <°)))>< | 5 | = | (...) | 6 | = | X | 7 | = | (x) | 8 | = | ( ♥ ) | 9 | = | ( ♫ ) |
Mushrooms indices0 | = | eggsponge | 1 | = | boletus | 2 | = | mushroom | 3 | = | amanita | 4 | = | blungi | 5 | = | morel | 6 | = | morel | 7 | = | glittersponge |
Class flags1 | = | cActor | 2 | = | cChar | 4 | = | cItem | 8 | = | cObject |
Fluids0 | = | solid | 4 | = | powder | 8 | = | liquid | 12 | = | gas | 20 | = | energy |
Body parts0 | = | head | 1 | = | body | 2 | = | arm1 | 3 | = | arm2 | 4 | = | legs |
slot.mode6, 7, 16 = hand 12 | = | ammo | 2 | = | head | 4 | = | body | 8 | = | ring | 14 | = | armor |
port.direction0 | = | none | 1 | = | up | 2 | = | right | 3 | = | down | 4 | = | left | 5 | = | zoom in | 6 | = | zoom out |
item.action0 | = | none | 1 | = | use | 2 | = | equip head | 4 | = | equip body | 6 | = | equip hand 1/2 | 7 | = | equip both hands | 8 | = | equip ring 1/2 | 10 | = | open bag | 12 | = | equip ammo 1/2 | 14 | = | equip armor | 16 | = | open bag & equip hand 1/2 |
Ring menu state0 | = | free use | 1 | = | reach use | 8 | = | disabled |
Popup menus- Note: This applies to cFlatMenu / item( mode, action, text, [function] )
- Note: Additional menus (eg. Stack splitting) are added in engine_bags.js / "bagMenu" / "slotMenu"
- Note: item[3] is only created on client side, if present this function will be run on clicking
- Note: item[4] contains parameters for mode 17 = custom functions (eg. input box)
0 | = | (title) display only | 1 | = | (black) use with action specified in item[1] (bagUseItem / slotUse) | 2 | = | (blue) split stack (only available in bags) | 4 | = | (black) use without action (slotUse) | 5 | = | (green) reserved | 6 | = | (green) reserved | 7 | = | (green) reserved | 8 | = | (red) drop item | 9 | = | (green) unequip | 1 | = | (black) open bag | -1 | = | (grey) display only |
damage typesNOTE: Use named.damage values as of 2018-12-04 1 | = | slash (sword, fist) | 2 | = | pierce (knife, sting, teeth) | 4 | = | bludgeon (hammer, stone, barrel) | 8 | = | burn (fire, laser) | 16 | = | electricity (shock, current, lightning) | 32 | = | freeze (cold, ice) | 64 | = | acid | 128 | = | radiation |
Plane numbers1 | = | Normal | 3 | = | Ghost | 5 | = | Nether | 7 | = | Editor | 9 | = | Admin |
Pflanzenliste1 | = | Sugarbeet / Zuckerrübe | 2 | = | Cauliflower / Blumenkohl | 3 | = | Carrot / Karotte | 4 | = | Radish / Radieschen | 5 | = | Eggplant / Aubergine | 6 | = | Onion / Zwiebel | 7 | = | Cucumber / Gurke | 8 | = | Corn / Mais | 9 | = | Salad / Salat | 10 | = | Pumpkin / Kürbis | 11 | = | Celery / Sellerie | 12 | = | Broccoli / Brokkoli | 13 | = | Tomatoes / Tomaten | 14 | = | Capsicum / Paprika | 15 | = | Wheat / Weizen | 16 | = | Potatoes / Kartoffeln |
Collision0 to 64 (bitmask)0 | = | free (grass) | 1 | = | blocked | 2 | = | water (swim) | 4 | = | rocks (climb/throw) | 8 | = | ... | 16 | = | ghosts only | 32 | = | ... | 64 | = | [exlusive] |
65 to 511 (walkable)65 | = | lava | 66 | = | shore | 67 | = | ladder | 68 | = | stair up/down | 69 | = | stair left/right | 70 | = | speed 0.25 | 71 | = | speed 0.50 | 72 | = | speed 0.75 | 74 | = | speed 1.25 | 80 | = | up only | 82 | = | right only | 84 | = | down only | 86 | = | left only | 88 | = | ... | 90 | = | acre (dirt, growing plants faster) | 91 | = | wood | 92 | = | mud (way) | 95 | = | sand (beach, desert) | 96 | = | fabric (carpet) | 97 | = | stone (rock ground) | 98 | = | brick (street, house) | 100 | = | buildable | 101 | = | building border margin (may overlap itself) | 412 | = | mineable (free) |
512+ (blocked)512 | = | mineable (rock) | 520 | = | water | 530 | = | bushes | 600 | = | behind wall (prevent hiding) |
level.mode0 | = | normal | 1 | = | static (keep level when all chars left) | 5 | = | tutorial / no death | 10 | = | template front (outside) | 12 | = | template sub (inside) | 20 | = | instanced front (outside) | 22 | = | instanced sub (inside) | 25 | = | instanced realm (user land) |
level.exposed100 | = | sky (temp, air*2, daylight) | 90 | = | outside (temp, air, daylight, rain) | 80 | = | outside protected (temp, air/2, daylight, rain) | 70 | = | outside roofed (temp, air, daylight, rain/2) | 60 | = | inside roof (daylight/2, rain/2) | 50 | = | inside roof dark (rain/2) | 40 | = | inside (daylight/2) | 30 | = | cave entrance (temp, air/2, daylight/2) | 20 | = | cave deep (temp) | 0 | = | none (completely inside) |
helper.area.mode1 | = | circular ( x,y,r, pow, fade ) | 2 | = | rectangular ( x1,y1, x2,y2 ) | 3 | = | path ( [x,y] array ) | 4 | = | map ( [x,y] array ) | 5 | = | polygon ( [x,y] array ) |
object.display- Value = "s x y"
- scale = this.scale / s
- x/y = offset
bag.matbag.fixedBags can be either fixed or moveable. Moveable bags are also closable, support bringOnTop, show a hover rect and their text caption (if present). bag.mode0 | = | normal | 1 | = | ... | 2 | = | char.bank | 3 | = | ... | 4 | = | ... | 5 | = | inventory (used on client to find the inventory bag) | 6 | = | selling (calls bagSellingUpdate on tradeChanged, doubleClickTakeItem) | 7 | = | crafting (sends recipes, doubleClickTakeItem) | 8 | = | trading bag (doubleClickTakeItem) | 9 | = | char root bag | 10 | = | target/menu bag (noDistanceCheck / open and close through onUserAdd/Remove) |
NOTE: | modes 2 and 6+ have noExecute enabled | NOTE: | modes 6-8 supports retrieving instead of execute (double-click to move item back) |
bag.special (flags)1 | = | allow mixed fluids (ie. skips all checkAddFluid checks) | 2 | = | ignore bag-in-bag volume |
actor.shadow (bitmask)actor.aura0 | = | none | 2 | = | plant | 4 | = | undead | 6 | = | animal | 8 | = | mind | 10 | = | supernatural |
Actors Animationactor.anim0 | = | none | 1 | = | default 3x4 (standing: frame 2 / walking: swap 1 and 3) | 2 | = | always cycle 1 through 3 | 4 | = | sorted 3x4 (standing: frame 1 / walking: swap 2 and 3) | 5 | = | grow over time (depending on values.n [starttime], values.ad [duration], values.af [framecount]); | 6 | = | no animation, 4-frames direction |
Note: The actor.anim is always calculated even if actor.ani is present. This can effectively be combined to offset anim-animations by setting a dummy ani such as { offset:true, ox:128, oy:0 }. If necessary w/h can also be applied like this. actor.ani.mode1 | = | clip 0 to X | 2 | = | repeat 0 to X | 3 | = | 1 while stopped, swap 0/2 while moving (3x4 default) | 4 | = | 0 while stopped, repeat 1 to X while moving | 9 | = | static rotation (windmill) |
actor.ani.dir0 | = | fixed 0 | 1 | = | flip x to imitate dir | 2 | = | dir 2 frames (left/right) | 3 | = | dir 2 frames (top/side) | 4 | = | dir 4 frames (3x4 default) |