
Arkorium 2017-07-08

The Arkorium contains the history of the Ark while she hovers through the universe on its way to the new homeworld of the Nazra. From the view of man, the Arkorium can be divided into different ages, which are described in more detail below.

The five ages

The first age

The first age lasted exactly 100 years. It was the time when people had respect for the Nazra and were satisfied with their humble existence. On the small island of Lindis, there was only the nazran city Antra'dea, which was surrounded by people. After the second generation, however, they began to migrate to the mainland and build new villages there. But the elders weren't able to tolerate this approach, thus they made a plan: They wanted to expose the settlers to a great danger, so that they return to Lindis and became aware of the dangers that the mainland beared within. The Nazra decided to help the elders, therefore in 96 a big wave flooded the settlements, where every tenth had to die.

Finally, the plan worked perfectly, because the survivors fled back to Lindis and stayed there. Although many young groups were formed, no attempt to break out to the mainland was made - yes, they were trapped on the island, which henceforth no one was allowed to leave. But just in 100, when the great jubilee was celebrated, the truth about the great catastrophe was revealed. The council of elders saw no other possibility than to leave the future to the Nazra, and so all were satisfied: The rebels, who decided to live on the mainland, were transferred and were looking for a new home, while everyone else stayed on Lindis and devoted their lives to the Nazra.

The second age

The second age began with three large caravans, which crossed the mainland and founded a total of 6 empires. And even when some people yearned for the idyllic island of Lindis once again, the old home was soon forgotten and the new life in freedom began. The empires spread, new cities arose, boundaries were contractually agreed, the resource depletion was about to start. It was a peaceful time of expansion, until in 190 the great volcano in the former empire of thunder erupted. It may have been a coincidence that just two years after the first fortress was completed and shortly afterwards the first kingdom was announced - the time of eagerness for power had begun, and the Nazra fell into oblivion as if they were no longer in existence.

As the largest empire the Weytland began the first war with the empire of thunder, spread enourmously and was only stopped years later by the fortified city of Zistra, when it went to war against the empire of Farna. Only after a siege of 10 years, the war was deemed to be ended and the national boundaries redefined, while Farna together with the empire of thunder, now also entered into an alliance with Deluria. Trade agreements among almost all countries finally heralded a new era of peace, and the accumulated silver and gold led to much prosperity in the population.

The third age

The great Weytland was offended in his pride, but luxury and surplus soon led the old wounds heal again. Thus amongst other things, the extensive world library was built , in which the entire knowledge of mankind should be archived. In addition to physical purity, the spiritual balance was also important to the society and so the religion found a new upturn.

However, in 289 d.A. a dark wave developed and spread from the Weytlan all over the country - the plague had broken out. In this time, the people were divided because the sick were quarantined or exiled from the cities. Soon the large Weytland split. Zoria was founded by the priests, whose entourage wasn't affected by the plague or at least cured. It was a smart strategic move, when the priests proclaimed, to leave the cure to every country, which subdued to Zoria.

Thus a new empire developed, which was governed by the priests and to which all countries soon belonged. A large empire, which covered the whole world and was led strictly but fairly. Only the island of Lindis, where the Nazra and a handful of people still lived, wasn't part of it. Instead it was declared as locked area and empire of gods.

The age of rebellion

Meanwhile Nazra Da, the belief in the Nazra, had become a state religion and all other religions were forbidden. But when a group of separatists were executed cruelly in 1228, the resistance within the population strengthened. It wasn't an easy time because it was characterized by control and discipline, demanded by each individual. In all countries the ecclesiastical tax was introduced and the people oppressed and exploited.

On Kalgar, a new power emerged, which expanded in silence and wanted to fight against the rule of priests. Their situation was hopeless, but they were very careful and were active in secret networks, which soon spread to the mainland. The Brotherhood of red hand was soon represented in every second city and approached to the power of the priests on dark paths.

At first, the priests took care of the brotherhood only half-hearted, but that changed abruptly, when the great temple of Alanderia burst into flames as a symbol of resistance. In their anger, they called out all warriors of the country for an act of reprisal. By that, they began a war against an invisible force, which was located in the midst of the population. The Red Hunt made no exception among women and children, it was a cruel carnage in their own ranks, where almost indiscriminate people had to die. Many members of the brotherhood were hit, but also many innocent people were sacrificed with it, because it should be a sign to the population, a warning for everyone, who wanted to join the brotherhood.

The age of freedom

The coming years were the hardest time in the history of the Ark, because they were ruled by tyranny and torture. In order to maintain the political power structure, the priests came up with ever tougher methods to oppress the people and to locate the traitors of the brotherhood. Instead, however, the opposite happened because more and more people were seeking protection among the brotherhood, even political leaders soon joined them. The time of oppression was about to end,
which should be triggered by a great civil war.

In 1652 d.A. it was finally ready: The extensive world library, the symbol of the knowledge and force of the priests, was destroyed. After a chaos of 5 years, in which citizens fought against fellow citizens and soldiers, in which many temples and even whole cities were burnt down, the brotherhood of the red hand gained control and proclaimed solemnly the end of the religious rule and the end of Nazra'da. Only a few priests could escape this powerful wave and barricaded themselves in the eternal ice, in the south of the Ark.

The red epoch

It was the best period in a long time, in which people felt united, were brothers and sister again, because they had reached a goal together and fought for their freedom.
In a last war, they finally began to conquer the island of Lindis, where the gods were supposed to live, for which they had to suffer. It was quite a surprise, when they found humans there, but the astonishment was soon covered by an incredible hate, when they also met the Nazra. However, they didn't know how they were represented by the priests and why they're hated now. But due to their peaceful nature, they preferred to move back to the south and to populate the island of Yar. It wasn't a war but a pure massacre when the inhabitants of Lindis rebelled against the barbarians of the mainland in order to provide the Nazra with the necessary time for their retreat.

The red epoch lasted several generations, in which people were busy with the reconstruction of their world. Especially the forgetting of the Red Hunt and the ensuing wars was a big concern of them. After the final liberation, all governments were controlled by the Brotherhood, which led the people to new prosperity. Nevertheless, it was a depressing time and many years were necessary for the people to laugh and enjoy their freedom again. Only when the Brotherhood gave up its government and subdivided the Large Kingdom into new kingdoms, the countries began to flourish again and to write a new history, the second history.

The second history

From now on, everything was as usual and for about 50 years the world was in balance. Countries developed, boundaries have been postponed, politics and economy went through their trade cycle and the population was sometimes more sometimes less satisfied with their prosperity.

This all ended abruptly in 1824 d.A., as the Ark passed an asteroid swarm and was hit by a big boulder. It was a bang, louder than every thunder and connected to an earthquake, which made the whole world tremble and demanded many victims. However, the event wasn't only written down in the history books, but was also the beginning of a new era, because from this point onwards the climate was completely out of control. Suddenly a frosty wind blew from the south of Aladria up to Kalgar and destroyed whole crops, while the temperatures of the remaining Ark continued to rise. So strong, that even the frosty Varnland turns into a single swamp and where icebergs rose up to the sky, only flat water has been seen since then.

No one except the Nazra could know, that the asteroid had damaged the climate control, but not even they could foresee, why the self-repair didn't work. It were the former priests, which had to flee to exactly this area and had settled there. When they witnessed the mighty impulse, and then found an entrance to the nearby climate control, they interpreted it as a sign of the gods to fight for their cause again. They thought it was a call for help from the Nazra and saw themselves obliged to do something. Finally they wanted to destroy mankind and subject it to a new selection process, such as that of the Nazra almost 18 centuries ago. With their limited knowledge of the nazran technology, they were able to misuse the climate control for their own purposes and to create a small, warm oasis midst the ice desert for themselves.
Categories: History