
Mind network 2017-06-29

The Mind network (also: collective memory) is a subconscious network, which emerges in every larger agglomeration of the Nazra.

Thus every Nazra is connected to its neighbors,and the higher the number, the greater the radius of the network and the intensity of the information exchange.


The collective memory mustn't be confused with a collective consciousness. A Nazra may feel, that his neighbor isn't doing well, perhaps he may also knows, what oppresses him, but he can neither read his thoughts nor foresee or even influence his deeds. Only Nazra in love with a strong connection to each other, can exchange scraps of thoughts through the mind network and feel the feelings of the partner any time.

Normally, however, the mind network is more like a large database in which one can share experiences and memories with the public. The other participants can access it, but don't have to (the decision is made by the subconscious). Information of great importance is generally received by each participant or its core statement at least discerned.


The mind network is also important for society. If anxiety or problems within in a group, all participants will be aware of it in a very short time. As a result, everyone starts to develop their own solutions, which in turn are fed into the network and assessed by the others. If a generally accepted solution is available, the affected Nazra acquires the corresponding knowledge more or less, often as sudden idea, at the same time and the problem can be solved.

A similar procedure is used to realise regular polls. A technical amplifier is used to transfer the problem to the network and shortly thereafter, the result of the poll is present as tendency. Such results are usually very clear, as the Nazra already exchange their feelings and impressions before the actual poll.


If a Nazra is overstrained with a question, he can also put himself into a state of trance in order to submit his problem to the mind network. This is called Deferment and usually takes place in small groups, for example, when several Nazra are faced with a seemingly unsolvable task. The process can take several minutes and acts on outsiders as if they would stare into space.

Categories: Culture