
Feedback 2016-09-03

Thanks in advance for your feedback! Before reporting please check this compact list of know issues (the real feedback link is found at the very bottom of this page).


Game runs too slow see Solutions
There is no sound / music known
No possibility to delete user characters known
When cancelling crafting the cooldown still goes on known


Can't enter buildings in Torial known

Display / Graphics

Game looks blurry try Chrome or Firefox
No weapon animations (drawing, swinging, yielding) known
Green (probably blinking) pixels in some hair styles known
Menu is too small/big on my screen known


Menu texts may overlap in char creation screen known
Gamepad or Joystick doesn't work known
Can't run short distances known
Can't split equipped stacks known
Can't hide chat box known
Can't split stacks other han in half solved 2014-01-13
That chat is horrible (and there is no log) known


Got a new issue? Send your report to [mail] – thanks!
Categories: dev